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II Feria del Quesu y la Sidre

Ll.uarca cellebra esta fin de selmana la segunda edición de la feria dedicasa al quesu y la sidre. LA SIDRA.- Un total de 25 espositores dedicáu a la produición de dambos productos agroalimentarios, provinientes d’Asturies, Galicia y Llión, participarán nesta II edición de la Feria del Quesu y la Sidre,


Xixón of Cider begins

Today at one o'clock begins the seventh edition of Xixón of Cider, which will go on until the 18th of October including 43 cider bars and 40 cider mills. SEE CIDERMAP THE CIDER.-  Each time the social acceptance is bigger and with the previous 2014 in which more than a


The cosmoredneck-isms go on

The Apple Festival of Villaviciosa goes inside the cosmoredneck phenomenon. THE CIDER.- It has been already said for a while that the cider world is full of cosmorednecks, people or expressions with disregard to the own culture and substitution for that they think to be "more universal", actually an expression


The Apple Festival gives away prizes

The Hermanos Martínez Sopeña Brothers, Elías Carmenado and Eladio Losada were awarded as best Apple Tree Orchard, Best Cider Apple and Best Table Apple respectively. THE CIDER.- The Apple Festival of Villaviciosa gave away yesterday its prizes for the Best Apple Tree Orchard ( in cosmoredneck “apple tree planting”), which was for


El Festival de la Mazana reparte premios

Los Hermanos Martínez Sopeña, Elías Carmenado y Eladio Losada premiaos pola Meyor Pumarada, Meyor Mazana de Sidre y Meyor Mazana de Mesa respeutivamente. LA SIDRA.- El Festival de la Mazana de Villaviciosa otorgó ayeri los sos premios a la Meyor Pumarada (en cosmopaleto “plantación de manzano”), que recayó nos Hermanos


Continúen les Cosmopaletaes

El Festival de la Mazana de Villaviciosa contribúi tamién al fenómenu cosmopaletu. LA SIDRA.- Yá lo decíemos va un tiempu, y ye que'l mundiu la sidre ta enlleno de cosmopaletaes, ello ye, d'espresiones de despreciu a lo propio y sustitución por aquello que-yos abulta "más universal", y qu'en rialidá nun


2nd Solidary Cider Pouring in Seville

The Asturian Center of Seville will celebrate its 2nd Solidary Cider Pouring during the VII Meeting of Regional Houses the days 9th to 12th of October. THE CIDER.-  The aim of the Asturian-Sevillian entity is to sell 1.000 cider bottles and raise 2.000 €, duplicating the amount of last year


The Ciderschools begin

Attention cider lovers! It begins in Asturies the Ciderschool season. THE CIDER.- This year the Ciderschools begin their activities in the best possible way, offering a popular apple smashin in the XVII Apple Celebrations of Villaviciosa, a party in which we have been participating the last three editions. IT will


El Desarme at La Ferrería Restaurant

La Ferrería Restaurant, located in La Corredoria 2 minutes from the shopping mall Intu Asturias (Parque Principado) and 4 minutes away of the HUCA, this restaurant has been delighting its customers since 2008 with high quality products in its menu, varying accordint to the season.  Marcos Granda is the soul

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