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SISGA Awards: “judged by our colleagues”

We always enjoy highlighting the international character of the SISGA awards, but the participants highlight also the fact that the jury is composed by cider makers, "our colleagues". THE CIDER.- Of the many international references linked to SISGA coming along, we would like to remark that of Brännland Cider wins best


Ribayu, the Ri-extra

Riestra Cider Mill has just presented its cider "Selection Extra" called Ribayu, a cider made with Asturian and especially selected apple. BROWSE VIDEO THE CIDER.- In the last times there has been the phenomenon of some cider mills releasing their own selection brands, ensuring with their name and tradition both


Austria, more than present ain the V SISGA

The Mostrasse & Most Barons Cider Mill from Austria presented in this edition of the SISGA its three exquisit varieties of perry, getting to convince the international jury with the cider Exibatur Mostbaron, which got the second prize in the category of pear cider, and with the Preh Mostbaron as third.


Austria, bien presente nel V SISGA

El llagar Mostrasse & Most Barons, d'Austria, presentó nesta nueva edición del SISGA los sos trés esquisites variedaes de sidre de pera, llogrando convencer al xuráu internacional cola so sidra Exibatur Mostbaron, que llogró'l segundu premiu na categoría a meyor perea, y con Preh Mostbaron, que quedó tercera. LA SIDRA.-


Ribayu, la Ri-extra

Llagar Riestra vien de presentar la so sidre "Extra Selección", col nome de Ribayu, una sidre fecho con mazana asturiano y especialmente seleicionao. VER VIDIU LA SIDRA.- Nos tiempos caberos vien dándose'l fenómenu de que dellos llagares saquen la so propia marca de seleición, garantizando col so nome y tradición


Fernando Couto col SISGA

El Vicealcalde del Conceyu Xixón afirmó nel V SISGA que "Ca vegada que se comercializa una botella sidre de gala internacionalmente, ta promoviéndose la Marca Asturies"  LA SIDRA.- Fernando Couto nun quinxo perdese la tastia abierta de les sidres de gala participantes nel V SISGA, cellebrada'l sábadu nel CIentru Cultura


Premios SISGA “Xulgaos polos nuesos compañeros”

Siempres mos presta resaltar el calter internacional del xuráu de los premios SISGA, pero los participantes destaquen tamién el fechu de que'l xuráu ta compuestu por llagareros, "polos nuesos compañeros". LA SIDRA.- De les munches referencies internacionales rellacionaes col SISGA que vienen apaeciendo, préstamos destacar la de Brännland Cider wins


Impressive SISGA’15

Before the Sommelier Day, the V SISGA exceeds the best expectatives. THE CIDER.- The elite of the glass cider of Europe, the most innovative cider mills and of best quality, the gastronomic excellence of El Duque Restaurant and the participation of hundreds of cider lovers are making this V SISGA


Success of the Asturian cider mills in the V SISGA

The SISGA'15 Awards settled among the most prestigious prizes internationally with a very important participation both regarding quality and a jury composed by 15 members of different countries. THE CIDER- An international jury composed by representatives of the participant cider mills and 3 peope designed by LA SIDRA was the


Ultimate success of the V SISGA

With the Sommelier Day aimed for the professionals of the sector, the V SISGA puts an end to its activities with unsurpassable results. THE CIDER.- In the Sommelier Day, which took place today at Bernueces Cider Mill, the professionals of the sector tasted the awarded ciders in the SISGA’15 Awards, and

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