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Tastia de Premios SISGA’15

Dientru’l programa de la I Fiesta de la Mayada en Noreña cellebraránse dos tasties guiaes de les sidres gallardonaes colos premiso SISGA’15. LA SIDRA.- Na xornada de güei, a les 6 de la tardi la tastia guiada tará a cargu de David Castañón, prestixosu gastrónomu autor del blog les fartures, que presentará


I Fiesta de la Mayada

Esta fin de selmana Noreña va vivir la primer fiesta de la mayada y la sidre dulce, un eventu novedosu nel panorama sidreru asturianu, que pon a Noreña nel calendariu sidreru asturianu. LA SIDRA.- En dellos establecimientos van cellebrase les primeres Xornaes Gastronómiques de la Sidre y la Mazana y


The cidertourism each time more present

The touristic value of Asturian cider is something that many cider mills knew how to support, offering experiences that include guided visits and Asturian "espiches".   THE CIDER.-Some years ago many of the big Asturian cider mills with much streng in the cider market began to see a very different


Cider nougat and gala ciders

This Thursday 12th of November there will be a pairing of cider bonbons and nougat with the Gala Ciders awarded in the last SISGA'15. THE CIDER.- La Ferrería Cider Bar (Llaviada 10. La Corredoria. Uviéu) is the chosen place to hold this fantastic pairing of cider bonbons and nougat with


Turrón de sidre y sidres de gala

Esti xueves 12 payares fadraxe un maridaxe de bombones y turrón de sidre con Sidres de Gala asturianes gallardonaes nel pasáu SISGA'15. LA SIDRA.- La Sidrería La Ferrería (Llaviada 10. La Corredoria. Uviéu), ye'l llugar escoyíu pa facer esti pantásticu maridaxe ente los bombones y el turrón de sidre y


El Sidroturismo ca vegada más presente

El valor turísticu de la sidre asturiano ye daqué que munchos llagares supieron aprofitar, ufiertando esperiencies qu'inclúin visites guiaes y espiches asturianes.   LA SIDRA.- Va dellos años que munchos de los grandes llagares asturianos, con gran pesu nel mercáu sidreru, escomenzaron acollumbrar un mercáu bien distintu al dedicáu a


Fondue a la sidre

Los hosteleros de Gascona fixeron una fondue de quesos asturianos con sidre. LA SIDRA.- Orixinales y anovaores comu nun hai más, Gascona sigue marcando la pauta y na I Feria de quesos artesanos asturianos cellebrada'l pasáu domingu tresnaron una espeutacular fondue a la sidre, de la que repartieren nuna mañana


Fernando Couto with the SISGA

The Vice-Mayor of the Council of Xixón stated in the V SISGA that "each time a bottle of gala cider is sold, the label Asturies is been promoted". THE CIDER.- Fernando Couto didn't want to lose the open tasting day of the gala ciders participating in the V SISGA, celebrated


SISGA Awards: “judged by our colleagues”

We always enjoy highlighting the international character of the SISGA awards, but the participants highlight also the fact that the jury is composed by cider makers, "our colleagues". THE CIDER.- Of the many international references linked to SISGA coming along, we would like to remark that of Brännland Cider wins best


Ribayu, the Ri-extra

Riestra Cider Mill has just presented its cider "Selection Extra" called Ribayu, a cider made with Asturian and especially selected apple. BROWSE VIDEO THE CIDER.- In the last times there has been the phenomenon of some cider mills releasing their own selection brands, ensuring with their name and tradition both

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