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Espicha de Navidá en Madrid

La XXIX edición d'Espiches Madrid cellebraráse'l prósimu 18 d'Avientu na sidrería As de Copas. LA SIDRA.- La sidre asturiano sigue moviéndose en Madrid, y nesta ocasión, cola xida de les navidaes, convócase una espicha pal vienres 18 d'avientu a les 21 hores na Sidrería As de Copas (Nuñez de Arce


Nava’s cider museum, an infinite crisis

After the resignation of the president of themanager Foundation, Nava's cider museum's crisis turns worse. THE CIDER.- The resignation of Emilio Ballesteros as president of the Foundation Nava Museum Of Cider, denouncing the lack of criteria of the Museum ("ethnographic or Disneycider") and the excessive political control by the PSOE,


Muséu de la Sidre de Nava, una cris infinita

Tres la dimisión del presidente de la Fundación que la xestiona, la cris del Muséu de la Sidre de Nava tórnase ca vuelta más reinal. LA SIDRA.- La dimisión d'Emilio Ballesteros comu presidente de la Fundación Muséu de la Sidre de Nava, denunciando la falta de criterios nel Muséu ("etnográficu


TV campaing empowering brut ciders

The DOP “Cider of Asturies” will make a campaing in the TPA empowering brut cider under DOP. LTHE CIDER.- The advertisements will begin tomorrow 2nd of December in the TPA with a spot with four presenters of the Asturian channe: Arantxa Prieto from the magazine de Hoy no pasa, Cecilia Iglesias


I fear the Asturian government

About the artificial debate on Basque and Asturian cider set by the Asturian media and the regrettable statements about it of the Counciwoman of Rural Environment Mª Jesús Álvarez, there were many responses in the social networks, and here we present David Rivas' one because its clarity and irrefutability of his


Yo teo mieu al gobiernu asturianu

Alrodiu l'artificial alderique sidre vasco/ sidre asturiano entamáu polos medios de comunciación d'Asturies y a les llamentables declaraciones al respeutu de la Conseyera de Mediu Rural, Mª Jesús Álvarez, surdieron abondes rempuestes nes redes sociales, equí recoyemos la de David M Rivas pola claridá de la so esposición y lo


Campaña en TV dándo-y puxu a la sidre brut

La DOP “Sidre d’Asturies” fadrá una campaña na TPA dando puxu a la sidre brut con DOP- LA SIDRA.- La publicidá entamará mañana 2 d’avientu na TPA con un spot con cuatro presentaores del canal asturianu: Arantxa Prieto, del magazine de Hoy no pasa, Cecilia Iglesias y María Luengo, reporteres


Tasting of SISGA’15 Awards

Inside the schedule of the I Apple Smashing Party of Noreña there were two guided cider tastings of the ciders awarded in the SISGA'15 Awards. THE CIDER.- Today at 6pm there was a guided tasting by David Castañón, prestigious gastronome author of the blog "les fartures", presenting the ciders: Ecusson Brut (Normandy. France),

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