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The sign of the champions

The Good Confraternity of Sicerators of Asturies is preparing sime signs to settle the cider bars having winners of the Cider Pouring Official Championship working on them. THE CIDER.- The idea is cider bars to shine their signs to highlight that they have a champion. An Asturian hat will be


Hera chery, the new rosé by Panizales

Awarded with a well deserved third place in the SISGA'15, Hera Rosé is new and suitable bet by the always innovative Tino Vázquez, that one must know. THE CIDER.- Among the new ciders that step by step go growing in the market, as a result of the aim of the Asturian


Hera cereza, la rosada de Panizales

Premiada con un meritoriu tercer puestu nel SISGA’15, Hera Rosé ye un nueu y acertáu apueste del siempres innovador Tino Vázquez, que ye obligao conocer. LA SIDRA.- Ente les nueves sidres que pasu ente pasu van apeciendo nel mercáu, frutu del enfotu de los llagareros asturianos en da-y una mayor


El distintivu de los campiones

La Bona Confradería de los Siceratores de Asturies ta tresnando unos distintivos p'asitiar nes sidreríes que cunten con ganaores del Campionatu Oficial d’Echaores. LA SIDRA.- La idega ye que los chigres puea llucir unos distintivos que les destaquen por cuntar con un echaor campión. Una montera d'oru sedrá esi distintivu,


Güei cancios de chigre en Gascona

Esti xueves tornen los Cancios de Chigre a la cai Gascona d'Uviéu. LA SIDRA.- Dientru'l progarma de Cancios de Chigre de la carbayona cai Gascona, El Coro Errante canciará en La Pumarada, el grupu Peña Careses en Tierra Astur, los Jóvenes Carrozas canciarán temes del cancioneru astur en La Manzana,


Güei cancios de chigre en Gascona

Esti xueves tornen los Cancios de Chigre a la cai Gascona d'Uviéu. LA SIDRA.- Dientru'l progarma de Cancios de Chigre de la carbayona cai Gascona, El Coro Errante canciará en La Pumarada, el grupu Peña Careses en Tierra Astur, los Jóvenes Carrozas canciarán temes del cancioneru astur en La Manzana,


“Sidre d’Asturies” sigue xorreciendo

Los datos apurríos pol conseyu regulaor de la DOP apunten a un xorrecimientu calteníu dende’l so aniciu. LA SIDRA.- Los datos de la sidre DOP del 2015 siguen dando allegríes: 3.769.754 kilos de mazana de les 22 races autorizaes, que dieron llugar a una ellaboración de 2.803.933 llitros de sidre


Cider sommeliers

There is the project of an international organization based in Asturies, of cider sommeliers. THE CIDER.- In the professional day of the last SISGA (International Hall of Gala Ciders) 2015 there was established the need of forming sommeliers specifically to taste cider in the different producting countries. The object is


Worldwide ciders in Quebec

This year is held for the first time inside the gatronomic schedule of Montréal en Lumière. THE CIDER. - From the 25th to 27th of February is held the Worldwide Ciders in Quebec that even though it was focused in the Quebecois ice ciders, now it is extended to cider in

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