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¿Sidre de xelu vasco?

L’apaición d’una marca de sidre de xelu comercializada dende’l País Vascu xenera espeutación nes redes sociales, énte la que sedríe la primer sidre de xelu del Estáu non ellaborada n'Asturies. LA SIDRA.- “El Oro”, esi ye’l nome de la sidre de xelu que vien d’apaecer nel mercáu y que se


Cider of tastes, an increasing tendence

Each time is more usual the presence of ciders of taste both in Europe as in Latin American, where nowadays is a trend. THE CIDER.- In the international sector it is very common the cider of tastes like peach, strawberry, cherry... a trend growing in Latin American being seen as


Cider grows day by day

A study of the consulting agency Euromonitor stresses the fact that from now to 2020 the worldwide cider production will grow a 5% annually. THE CIDER.- Everything seems to indicate that cider is the alcoholic beverage that undergoes the faster growth, over wine, cava or beer, being expected for 2020


II Cider Masterclass

The II Cider Masterclass took place at Fran Cider Mill in Llugones and had the collaboration of those who completed the route of the "Xixón of Cider 2015's" cidermap. THE CIDER.- Iván De La Plata, General Manager of Fenicia and coordinator of the Master made the presentation and settled the


Sidre de saborgos, una tendencia que puxa

Ca vuelta ye más avezada la presencia de sidres con saborgos, tantu n’Europa comu n’América Llatina, onde agora mesmo ye toa una tendencia. LA SIDRA.- Nel panorama internacional ye bien avezada la presencia de sidres de saborgos,a piescu, fresa, zreza… una tendencia que ta diendo a más tamién n’América Llatina


Sidre pa finar l’añu

El "Principado" y los principadianos fadrán lo que querian col so "vinu español", pero los asturianos despidiremos l'añu con sidre, asturiana a poder ser. LA SIDRA.- Mentes el "Principado" anecia nel so públicu despreciu a Asturies y lo asturiano, faciendo les cellebraciones oficiales con vinu español, los asturianos despidiremos esti


La sidre espoxiga díi ente díi

Un estudiu de la consultora Euromonitor siñala que d’equí a 2020 la produición de sidre a nivel mundial espoxigará un 5% añal. LA SIDRA.- Too paez indicar que la sidre ye la bébora alcólica qu’esperimenta un xorrecimientu más rápidu, perriba’l vinu, el cava o la cerveza, esperándose que pal 2020


II Masterclass de Sidre

El II Masterclass de Sidre cellebróse nel Llagar de Fran en Llugones, y cuntó cola participación de tolos que completaron la ruta’l Sidromapa en “Xixón de Sidre 2015”. LA SIDRA.- Iván de La Plata, Direutor Xeneral de Fenicia y cordinaor del Master fexo la presentación de los ponentes y fixó


They hate whatever is Asturian

The president of the "Principality" wished good Christmas in 14 languages, none of them the one from the country in which he is president. What can be expect about cider? THE CIDER.- From LA SIDRA for long time we have been stating the continuous contempt of the "Principality" to cider


Discrimination of Asturian cider in favor of cava

Foro denounces the discrimination of Asturian cider in favor of cava in the RTVE and proposes measures to give Asturian sparkling cider an equal treatment. THE CIDER.- Isidro Martínez Oblanca, new deputy for Asturies has just denounced the discrimination that Asturian cider suffers in favor of cava, stating that "in

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