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La Morena, Best First Cider of the Year

In yesterday's afternoon took place the III edition of the contest Best First Cider of the Year, which had the great participation of 44 cider mills. BROWSE PICTURES THE CIDER.- The cider from La Morena got the first place with 79 points, Riestra, Solleiro and Los Gemelos were the second


Today presentation and pairing of Conservas Costera

In El Lavaderu Cider Bar there will be the presentation of the new products by Costera Conservas properly paired with the ciders Menéndez, Tareco y Riestra brut y Semiseco. THE CIDER.-Today 12th of March at 12 hours at El Llavander Cuder Bar (Cimavilla, Xixón) will be the presentation of the


7 ciders for the final of the Best First Cider

Yesterday there were classified: Estrada from Nava, La Morena from Sieru, Riestra fromSariegu, Viuda de Angelón from Nava, Solleiro fromTaramundi, Cabueñes from Xixón and Los Gemelos from Villaviciosa. THE CIDER.- El Otru Mallu Cider Bar was the stage for the first lap of the II edition of the Best First


La Morena, Meyor Primer Sidre l’Añu

Na tardi d’ayeri tuvo llugar la final de la III edición del concursu de la Meyor Primer Sidre l’Añu, que cuntó con una perimportante participación: 44 llagares. VER SEMEYES LA SIDRA.- La sidre del Llagar La Morena alzóse col primer puestu con 79 puntos. Riestra, Solleiro y Los Gemelos fueron


Güei, presentación y harmonizaxe de Conservas Costera

Na Sidrería El Lavaderu tendrá llugar la presentación de los nuevos productos de Conservas Costera,  comenientemente harmonizaos con sidre Menéndez, Tareco y Riestra brut y Semiseco. LA SIDRA.-Güei 12 de marzu, de magar les 12 hores, na Sidrería El Lavaderu (Cimavilla. Xixón), tendrá llugar la presentación de la nueva gama


7 sidres a la final de la Meyor Primer Sidre

Na xornada d’ayeri quedaron sellecionaes: Estrada de Nava, La Morena de Sieru, Riestra de Sariegu, Viuda de Angelón de Nava, Solleiro de Taramundi, Cabueñes de Xixón y Los Gemelos de Villaviciosa. LA SIDRA.- La Sidrería El Otru Mallu foi l’escenariu de la primer etapa de la III edición del concurso


M for Mayador succeeds in Canada

Curiously this cider's distribution is scarce in Asturies. THE CIDER.- The small bottle of M. for Mayador cider has been awarded as most sold cider in 2015 in Kensington Wine Market. Calgary. Canada. An important merit taking in account the wide and excellent range of ciders of this online shop. Apart


A Cider museum for tourists

The mayor of Nava states that sees each time closer the integration of the Museum into Recrea, so the Cider Museum would be basically for tourists. THE CIDER.- After the request of 50.000 € to be able to pay the Cider Foundation, which manages the Cider Museum of Navait had

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