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VII Asturian Song and Cider

On the days 25th and 26th of March inside the activities of the First Cider of the Year, there will be the show of Asturian song in which students are the protagonists. THE CIDER- The students of Asturian singing of traditional music school Manolo Quirós, managed by Anabel Santiago, La Quintana, by


Roxmut cider vermouth

Castañón Cider Mill presents today at midday its cider vermouth. THE CIDER.- It its aim and need of innovation, cider takes new formats. The last one, idea of Castañón Cider Mill, puts together the perfect conditions to have a snack, this way Castañón made a cider to have as vermouth


VII Asturianada y Sidre

Los díis 25 y 26 de marzu, dientru les actividaes de la Primer Sidre L'Añu, tendrá llugar l'amuesa d'asturianada na que los escolinos son los protagonistes. LA SIDRA.- Los escolinos d'asturianada de les escueles de música tradicional Manolo Quirós, a cargu d'Anabel Santiago, La Quintana, a cargu d'Ismael Tomás, y la


Vermú de sidre Roxmut

El llagar Castañón presenta güei al meudíi el so vermú de sidre. LA SIDRA.-Nel so enfotu y necesidá por anovar, la sidre cobra nueos formatos. El postreru, idegáu pol Llagar Castañón, xunce les condiciones perfeches pa tomar comu aperitivu, d’esta miente, Castañón ellabora una bébora de sidre perafayaiza pa tomar


Sidracrucis’16. La ruta del fervor sidreru

A pocu más d'una selmana del sidracrucis, namás queden 8 places llibres. VER PERCORRÍU / RECORRIDO LA SIDRA.- Normal que s'acaben les places: nueve chigres, tres llagares, una Fabaona xabaz y Espicha fin de Sidracrucis, preparatoria pal Sidracrucis'17. Una ufierta que dengún/a amante de la folixa y la sidre pue


La Morena, Best First Cider of the Year

In yesterday's afternoon took place the III edition of the contest Best First Cider of the Year, which had the great participation of 44 cider mills. BROWSE PICTURES THE CIDER.- The cider from La Morena got the first place with 79 points, Riestra, Solleiro and Los Gemelos were the second


Today presentation and pairing of Conservas Costera

In El Lavaderu Cider Bar there will be the presentation of the new products by Costera Conservas properly paired with the ciders Menéndez, Tareco y Riestra brut y Semiseco. THE CIDER.-Today 12th of March at 12 hours at El Llavander Cuder Bar (Cimavilla, Xixón) will be the presentation of the

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