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LA SIDRA in Frankfurt

LA SIDRA's and Fundación Asturies XXI,'s delegations participated in the Apfelwein Weltweit Tour and tonight will participate in the Gala Dinner and the Pomme d'Or awards. THE CIDER.- The attention of the hosts and organizers of the Apfelwein Weltweit allowed the participant delegations in this event to know part of the


Trabanco succeeds in Frankfurt

Poma Áurea, Avalon  and Llagar de Camín were the Pomme d’Or awarded ones. THE CIDER.- Pomme d’Or are given previously to the cider international fair Apfelwein Weltweit, which takes place this weekend in Frankfurt and in which a delegation from LA SIDRA will be present. The ciders Avalon and Poma


LA SIDRA en Frankfurt

La dellegación de la revista LA SIDRA, Fundación Asturies XXI, participó na xornada de güei nel Apfelwein Tour y esta nuechi participará na Cena Gala onde s’entregarán los premios Pomme d’Or. LA SIDRA.- L’atención de los anfitriones, entamaores del Apfelwein Weltweit permitió a les dellegaciones participantes nel mencionáu eventu sidreru


Trabanco trunfa en Frankfurt

Poma Áurea, Avalon y Llagar de Camín fueron gallardonaes colos premios Pomme d’Or. LA SIDRA.- Los premios Pomme d’Or, concedíos previamente a la cellebración de la feria internacional de sidre Apfelwein Weltweit, que se cellebra esta fin de selmana en Frankfurt y nel que ta presente una dellegación de LA


Asturies competes in the Hall of Gourmets

Damián Cienfuegos from the cider bar Las Trés Andaricas contested in Gourmetapa while the Asturian cheeses El Beso del Rey Silu, Rey Silu colloráu and Casín d'El Vieyu Mundiu got to the finals of Best Cheese of Spain. THE CIDER.- The Hall of Gourmets was born to turn into the

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