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Primer Fiesta de la Sidre en Tapia

El motivu ye da-y puxu a la cultura sidrera y recaldar fondos pal Festival Intercélticu d’Ocidente qu’esti añu cellebra la so ventiava edición. LA SIDRA.- Tapia va cellebrar los díis 30 abril y 1 de mayu la so primer fiesta de la sidre. La folixa va escomenzar  a les 12:00


Esitosa presentación del SISGA ’16 en Barcelona

Na xornada d’ayeri tuvo llugar la Cena Gala en Barcelona na que se presentó’l SISGA’ 16  con una perinteresante harmonizción de les propuestes del xef con sidres premiaes nos SISGA’15. LA SIDRA.- Entamada pola Fundación Asturies XXI y LA SIDRA, en collaboración col Cientru Asturianu de Barcelona, na nuechi d’ayeri


LA SIDRA n’Alimentaria

Una dellegación de LA SIDRA afáyase dende'l pasáu llunes n'Alimentaria, una de les principales feries europees de l'alimentación, que se cellebra en Barcelona. LA SIDRA.- Col oxetu de conocer de primer man la evolución del mercáu agroalimentariu y les postreres tendencies, especialmente no que cinca al seutor de la sidre


Gascona exceeds itself

The XVII CiderTasting of Gascona, ech time a higher reference in the Asturian cider scene, with the triumph of Viuda de Angelón and Orizón. SEE PICTURES THE CIDER.- In the Tasting there was cider from the cider mills that distribute cider in Gascona's cider bars: Buznego, Castañón, Cortina, El Gobernador, Fonciello, Foncueva,


Gascona supérase

La XVII Preba de la Sidre de Gascona, ca vegada más referencial nel panorama sidreru asturianu, con trunfu de Viuda de Angelón y d'Orizón. VER SEMEYES LA SIDRA.- La Preba de la sidre de los llagares que distribúin la so sidre a los chigres de Gascona: Buznego, Castañón, Cortina, El Gobernador,


LA SIDRA of April (Nb. 148)

LA SIDRA Nb. 148 corresponding to April of 2016 ENTAMU / BEGINNING / EDITORIAL LA SIDRA 148.- Issue corresponding to April of 2016 with information about the cider news. THE First Cider of the Year, Sidracrucis, Apfelwein Weltweit, Salón Gourmet, interview to Julián Castañón, pan de Sidre, El Mariñán de Begoña, La Tonada


The Cider Party of Ribeseya has just started

This cider event was innaugurated with a speecha and a "showcooking" THE CIDER.- This celebration is organized by the Entaína Ribeseya association and this Cider Party began with a speech and a showcooking given by the local cook Lluis Nel Estrada and has a lot of different acivities for these days.


XVII Cider Tasting in Gascona

This Sunday 24th of April helds the seventeenth edition of the Cider Tasting of Gascona with more than 18 cider mills participating. THE CIDER.-With the artist Rodrigo Cuevas as speaker the Tasting will begin at 12 of the midday with the participation of the cider mills Buznego, Castañón, Cortina, El Gobernador,


Cider in a can

El Gaitero will present in Alimentaria its cider in a can THE CIDER.- The cider leader in statal range (32 millions in 2015 according to Alimerket) continues to bet for innovation with this new container to try ti get closer to the youth as part of the international dynamic of

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