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Cider of Selection’s First Tasting

The cider of Selected Apple, quality label of the cider mills Trabanco, Peñón, Foncueva and Muñiz celebrates its first Tasting of the 2015 Harvest. THE CIDER.- El Forno Cider Mill of La Pola Sieru will be the place on next Monday 18th at 18:30 for the First Tasting, headed by


Cider Museum, the comedy goes on

The councilwoman of Rural Development eludes her responsibility and speaks about maintaining the Museum without giving funds. THE CIDER.- The style proper of the "Principality" appears again. The answer of the councilwoman of Rural Development and Natural Resources, María Jesús Álvarez, is an example of saying nothing, explaining nothing and doing


Primer Mesa de Tastia de la Sidre d’Escoyeta

La sidre de Mazana Seleicionao, marca de calidá qu’agrupa a los llagares de Trabanco, Peñón, Foncueva y Muñiz cellebrará el prósimu llunes la primer Mesa de Tastia de la Collecha 2015. LA SIDRA.- La Sidrería El Forno de La Pola Sieru, sedrá l’escenariu el prósimu llunes 18 a les 18:30


Muséu de la Sidre, sigue la comedia

La conseyera de Desendolcu Rural echa balones fuera y fala de caltener el Muséu ensin aportar fondos. LA SIDRE.- L’estilu “Principado” impónse. La rempuesta de la conseyera de Desendolcu Rural y Recursos Naturales, María Jesús Álvarez ye un exemplu perfechu de nun dicir ná, o pior, dicir lo que nin


Xixón is promoted in Frankfurt

An Asturian delegation of the Asturies XXI Foundation and LA SIDRA magazine participated in the biggest European cider fair, the Apfelwein Weltweit. On last Sunday 10th in the uncomparable historical building of Palmengarten, Botanical Garden of Frankfurt, there was the successful cider fair with more than 70 exhibitors of different


Traditional Espicha of Fitoria

The Traditional Dance Group Fitoria celebrates its XIII Traditional Espicha this 16th of April. THE CIDER.- Which in a beginning it was a private espicha in a closed place nowadays is a classic event of Spring. Thanks to the selfless colaboration of those of the band the Traditional Espicha of


Thursday of songs and Friday of brass band

On the penultimate Thursday there will be the 4th Cider Bar Songs in Gascona and on Friday the usual brass band. THE CIDER.- The 4th edition of the cider bar songs of Gascona is finishing and this Thursday is its penultimate day with the performance of the bands Jóvenes Carrozas d'Uviéu


Impressive Apfelwein Weltweit

The Asturian delegation in this important international cider fair was composed by Trabanco Group and LA SIDRA- Asturies XXI Foundation. THE CIDER.- The Apfelwein Weltweit exceeded itself in this eighth edition with a caring and attentive organization with more than 2.000 visitors in a day in which there were made


Gwendal and cider in Mieres

From the 15th to 17th of April Mieres will be the reference for traditional music and cider, giving away more than 2.000 cider liters. THE CIDER.- La Folixa na Primavera keeps groeing year by year with a very interesting offer that puts together music, traditional dance, gastronomy and plenty of

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