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Tasting of Irish, Japanese and Portuguese ciders

On next Saturday 7th of May there will be on the faciities of the Asturies XXI Foundation a guided tasting of Irish, Japanese and Portuguese ciders. THE CIDER.- Inside our dynamic of giving to know ciders from other nations, on next Saturday 7th at 12 of the midday there is


LA SIDRA in Holland

The first day of the International Cider Festival ended with a very nice dinner for producers and distributors of international cider. THE CIDER.- Asturian cider is not unknown around Europe. That is the work of the European dellegation of LA SIDRA. Yesterday took place in the nice frame of the


LA SIDRA in Rotterdam

A LA SIDRA's dellegation will represent Asturies in the International Cider Festival of Rotterdam, Holland THE CIDER.- Asturian cider will be present in the II Cider Festival, to be held tonigh beginning with a Cider Dinner and going on tomorrow with an open to public tasting. On it people will be


Tastia de sidre na III edición de Gastropasión

Va llevase a cabu'l miércoles 4 de mayu a les 20:00 hores n’Intu Asturies LA SIDRA.- El 28 d'abril naguróse la III edición de Gastropasión nel cientru comercial Intu Asturies (Autovia A-66, KM. 4,5, 33429 Paredes, Asturies). Demientres 17 díis van tener llugar en dichu cientru una ventena d'actividaes, demostraciones


Tastia de sidre irlandés, xaponés y portugués

El prósimu sábadu 7 de mayu tendrá llugar nos llocales de la Fundación Asturies XXI una tastia guiada de sidre irlandés, xaponés y portugués. LA SIDRA.- Dientru la dinámica de dir dando a conocer sidres d'otres naciones, esti prósimu sábadu 7 de mayu, a les 12 del meudíi ta convocada


Presentation of SISGA’16 in Barcelona

Yesterday there was the Gala Dinner in Barcelona to present the SISGA'16 with a very interesting pairing of the chef's proposals with ciders awarded in the SISGA'15. THE CIDER.- Organized by the Asturies XXI Foundation and LA SIDRA in collaboration with the Asturian Center of Barcelona, there was the Gala


LA SIDRA in Alimentaria

A LA SIDRA's delegation is since last Monday in Alimentaria, one of the mai  European alimentary fair, taking place in Barcelona. THE CIDER.- With the aim of knowing first hand the evolution of the agroalimentary market and the last tendencies, especially regarding cider and derivatives as well as to cover


LA SIDRA n’Holanda

El primer díi del eventu International Cider Festival finó con una perbona cena de productores ya distribuidores de sidre internacional. LA SIDRA.- La sidre asturiano nun ye denguna desconocía per Europa. D'ello encárgase la dellegación europea de LA SIDRA. Ayeri tuvo llugar nel incomparable marcu de la Fenix Food Factory


A Cañada DELIC Experiencie

Va cellebrase'l prósimu 6 de mayu la XXXV Edición de Espiches Madrid na primer sidrería d'alta cocina de la capital; en dichu establecimientu cunten cola so propia sidre: “La penúltima”, ellaborada con mazanes de la cuenca minera asturiana. LA SIDRA.- El llugar onde se va llevar a cabu va ser


LA SIDRA en Rotterdam

Una dellegación de LA SIDRA representará a Asturies nel Festival Internacional de la Sidre, en Rotterdam, n'Holanda. LA SIDRA.- La sidre'l país tará presente nel II Cider Festival, que se cellebra en Rotterdam na nuechi de güei, entamando con una Cena Gala y na xornada de mañana que sedrá abierta

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