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IX Cider Contest in Sotrondio on 7th of May

At 17:00 there will be the cider pourers contest scoring for the XXIII Official Asturies Championship. THE CIDER- On next Saturday 7th of May there will be in Sotrondio the IX CIder Contest along with the cider pourers contest, the first one scoring for the XXIII Official Asturies ider Pourers


Apple and cider in Asturies

On next 19th of may at 7 pm at the Botanical garden, Mr. Emilio Martínez Argúelles will give a speeche explaining the reality of the apple and cider production in our country. THE CIDER.- Asturies is the fourth Europen country in cider production and although there are many apple and


IX Certame de la Sidre en Sotrondio el 7 de mayu

A les 17:00 va tener llugar el concursu d’echaores puntuable pal XXIII Campionatu Oficial d’Asturies. LA SIDRA.- El prósimu sábadu 7 de mayu va cellebrase en Sotrondio'l IX Certame de la Sidre nel que se va llevar a cabu un concursu d'echáu, el primeru que puntúa pal XXIII Campeonatu Oficial


Mazana y sidre n’Asturies

El prósimu 19 mayu a les 7 la tardi, nel Xardín Botánicu, D. Emilio Martínez Argúelles dará una charra desplicando la rialidá de la produición de mazana y sidre nel nuesu país. LA SIDRA.- Asturies ye’l cuartu país européu en produición de sidre, y anque ye muncha la mazana y


Cider tasting on the 3rd edition of Gastropasión

The tasting will be held on next Wednesday 4th of May at 20h in Intu Asturies. THE CIDER.- On the 28th of April there was the innauguration of the 3rd edition of Gastropasión in the mall Intu Asturies (Autovia A-66, KM. 4,5, 33429 Paredes, Asturies). During 17 days they will


Tasting of Irish, Japanese and Portuguese ciders

On next Saturday 7th of May there will be on the faciities of the Asturies XXI Foundation a guided tasting of Irish, Japanese and Portuguese ciders. THE CIDER.- Inside our dynamic of giving to know ciders from other nations, on next Saturday 7th at 12 of the midday there is


LA SIDRA in Holland

The first day of the International Cider Festival ended with a very nice dinner for producers and distributors of international cider. THE CIDER.- Asturian cider is not unknown around Europe. That is the work of the European dellegation of LA SIDRA. Yesterday took place in the nice frame of the


LA SIDRA in Rotterdam

A LA SIDRA's dellegation will represent Asturies in the International Cider Festival of Rotterdam, Holland THE CIDER.- Asturian cider will be present in the II Cider Festival, to be held tonigh beginning with a Cider Dinner and going on tomorrow with an open to public tasting. On it people will be

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