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2015’s harvest of Cider of Selected Apple

On next Tuesday 10th of May there will be presented the new Cider of Sleection with the campaign "Cider against cancer". THE CIDER.- The Museum of the Asturian Village of Xixón will be the stage for the presentation of the new cider of Selected Apple or Cider of Selection in


Glacia, isotonic drink

It has just been released the first 100% Asturian isotonic beverage by Zarrazina. THE CIDER.- The big Asturian cider mills continue to diversify their production and committing themselves to the country. This, yesterday there was at Hotel Villadeseya (Ribeseya) the presentation for the media of Glacia, the first 100 %


The DOP Cider of Asturies about the TTIP’s debate

They state that it ahs been already signed for two years in the North American office of labels to protect the Asturian mark, cider and field. THE CIDER.- The Greenpeace's documents on the TTIP created an alarm for the future implications that this transatlantic treaty would have for the food


Collecha 2015 de Sidre de Mazana Seleicionao

El prósimu martes 10 de mayu presentaráse la nueva collecha de Sidre d’Escoyeta, xunta la campaña “Sidre frente al cáncanu”. LA SIDRA.- El Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies, en Xixón tornará a ser l’escenariu de la presentación de la nueva sidre de Mazana seleicionao, o Sidre d’Escoyeta, nun actu nel que


Glacia, bébora isotónica

Vien de presentase a los medios de comunicación la primer bébora isotónica 100% asturiana, de la man de Zarracina. LA SIDRA.- Los grandes llagares asturianos siguen diversificando la so produición y comprometiéndose col país. Ello asina, na xornada d’ayeri tuvo llugar nel Hotel Villadesella (Ribeseya) la presentación a los medios

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