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IV Homemade Cider Contest of Feleches

Cider will be able for presentation from the 23rd to 26th of May and only would be able to participate those producers living and making cider in Sieru. THE CIDER.- Cider will be able for presentation from 20 hours at the old schools of Feleches, headquarters of the Corpus Christi


IV Concursu de Sidre Casero de Feleches.

La sidre podrá presentarse del 23 al 26 de mayu, y namás podrán participar nel mesmu los ellaboraores que residan y faigan la sidre en Sieru.   LA SIDRA.- La sidre podrá presentase, de magar les 20 hores nes antigües escueles de Feleches, sé de la Sociedá de Festexos Corpus


Impressive response in social networks

LA SIDRA does not only have one of the best located webs of Asturies but also reaches true records in social networks with tens of thousands of visits. The video at La Florida Bar (L’Entregu) with tonada singing had more than 22.000 reproductions and was seen by more than 56.000


Espicha strolling along Brañella

This weekend takes place the traditinal espicha of Brañella that ends with the gastronomic days "Espiches de Primavera" organized in Samartín del Rei Aureliu. THE CIDER.- There will be an espicha in Brañella on next 13th, 14th and 15th as an end to the gastronomic days "Espiches de Primavera" organized


Life in the apple tree flower

The Cider Mueum of Nava schedules a picture exposure and a speech about the relevance of apple tree pollination. THE CIDER.- Nava's Cider Museum helds since last 28th of April and until the 31st of March the picture exposure "Life in the flower of the apple tree", for free. This


Presentation of Apple Tonic

Today at 17:30 at La Noceda Cider Bar of Gascona there will be the presentation of the Apple Tonic, a new cider cocktail of cider liquor and tonic. THE CIDER.- The presentation will be made during the master class organized by chefs and waiters of the cider bars from Gascona.


Impresionante rempuesta nes Redes Sociales

LA SIDRA non solo cunta con una de les uebs meyor posicionaes d’Asturies, sinon qu’algama auténticos récords nes redes sociales, con decenes de miles de visites. El vidiu grabau nel Bar La Florida, (L’Entregu) echando una tonada, cunto con mas de 22.000  reproduiciones y foi vistu por cerca de 56.000


Espicha caleyando per Brañella

Esta fin de selmana cellébrase la tradicional espicha de Brañella que fina coles xornaes gastronómiques "Espiches de Primavera" entamaes en Samartín del Rei Aureliu. LA SIDRA.- La espicha de Brañella cellébrase los díis 13, 14 y 15 y con ella finen les xornaes gastronómiques "Espiches de Primavera" entamaes por varies


Vida na flor del pumar

El Muséu de la Sidre de Nava programa una esposición de semeyes y una charra sobro la importancia de la polinización de los pumares. LA SIDRA.- El Muséu de la Sidre de Nava alluga dende’l pasáu 28 d’abril y fasta’l 31 de marzu la esposición de semeyes “Vida na flor


Presentación d’Apple Tónic

Güei a les 17:30 la sidrería La Noceda, de Gascona, acueye la presentación del Apple Tónic, un nueu combináu d’auguardiente de sidre y tónica. LA SIDRA.- La presentación fadráse demientres la clas maxistral entamada pa hosteleros y camareros de les sidreríes de Gascona, a cargu de Nacho Capín y ta

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