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VII Hall of the DOP Cider of Asturies

On next Tuesday 28th of June there will be the presentation of the XXI Harvest ad the VII Edition of the DOP Cider Hall. THE CIDER.- This time the event will be placed in the Mieres' Fair Area (Av. del Camín, Santullano), ans the schedule is from 11.30 to 14.30h


XXXI Cider Pourers Contest of Mieres

The contest will be on Wednesday 22nd and will begin at five in the afternoon. THE CIDER.- Ninde days of celebrations in the festivities of Mieres del Camín during San Xuan. This year the organizers scheduled a set of activities to begin on the 17th and ending on 25th. Inside


The Cider Library

Located in Nava, it offers cider from different parts of the world. THE CIDER.- La Naveta Cider Bar opened during a Cider Festival setting differences in the heart of Nava's village. Ana Emilia Ordóñez, the owner, has cider maker blood in her veins so she wanted to offer cider in


La sidroteca

Asitiada en Nava, ufre sidre d’estremaos llugares del mundiu LA SIDRA.- Bar La Naveta escoyó un Festival de la Sidre, de va 5 años p’abrir les sos puertes con ganes y marcando la diferiencia nel coral de la villa de Nava. Ana Emilia Ordóñez, la so porpietaria, lleva sangre sidrero


XXXI Concursu d’echaores de Mieres

El certame sedrá’l miércoles 22 y escomenzará a les cinco la tardi. LA SIDRA.- Nueve díIs de fiesta en Mieres del Camín per San Xuan. Esti añu los entamaores planificaren una bayura d’actividaes pa cellebrar les fiestes qu’escomenzaron el díi 17 y que finarán el 25. Y dientru d’elles, comu


Asturies head of cooking for celiacs

El Fartuquín and Casa Niembro share the first and third place respectively statewide in gluten-free kitchen. THE CIDER.- In November and December 2015 announced that El Fartuquín from Uviéu, Casa Niembro in Asiegu and La Ruta in Cangas del Narcea were among the 10 best gluten-free restaurant assessed in their app.


Reyes Ceñal ends its management of the CRDOP

After twelve years of work on next 30th of June she will end her working link with the council. THE CIDER.- Reyes Ceñal, manager of the DOP Regulatory Council Cider of Asturies announced through a goodbye letter that on next 30th of June she fill end her working relation with


Guided Visits to El gaitero

The cider mill will be open during the summer from 10:00 to 13:00 hours and from 16:00 to 18:00 hours and reservation is advised. THE CIDER.- El Gaiteru began its visits in summer time. The entrance is for free and includes the visit to the Permanent Collection, to the cider


Asturies cabezalera en cocina pa celiacos

El Fartuquín y Casa Niembro ocupen el primer y tercer puestu respeutivamente a nivel estatal, en cocina llibre de gluten. LA SIDRA.- Nos meses de payares y avientu de 2015 anunció qu'El Fartuquín de Uviéu, Casa Niembro en Asiegu y La Ruta en Cangas del Narcea atopábense dientru la llista de

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