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Cider emoticon

The issue "La Cuenca del Nalón" starts a campaign for the cider icon to be included.  THE CIDER.- The newspaper La Cuenca del Nalón started a campaign for the multiplatform message app WhatsAPP to include the cider emoticon. This initiative is hitting strong all across the country and so far there have


The patriotism of the cider sector, in doubt

The appearance of a advertisement campaign in Asturian starred by a Portuguese beer label rises all kinds of criticisms from the cider makers due to a "precarious Asturian patriotic feeling". THE CIDER.- The social networks are each time faster and more intuitive. It is so that just after the advertising


Emoticonu sidreru

La publicación La Cuenca del Nalón entama una campaña pa que s'incluya un iconu de la sidre. LA SIDRA.- El periódicu La Cuenca del Nalón entamó una campaña pa que l'aplicación de mensaxería multiplataforma, el tan conocíu WhatsAPP… “guasap”, “whats”, “guasá” o como quiera que lu llamemos, incluya nos emoticonos qu'utilizamos


Custionada l’asturianidá del seutor sidreru

L'apaición d'una campaña publicitaria n'asturianu protagonizada por una cerveza portuguesa llevanta toa triba de crítiques a los llagareros pola so "precaria asturianidá". LA SIDRA.- Les Redes Sociales son ca vegada más rápides ya intuitives, y al pocu de conocese la campaña publicitaria n'asturianu dafechu protagonizada por una cerveza portuguesa -Super


XI Concursu de Sidre Casero en Villaviciosa

Cellebraráse'l domingu 21 d'agostu na Plaza'l Güevu de magar les 12 del meudíi. LA SIDRA.- L'Asociación de Fomentu a la Sidre Tradicional ye quien entama esti certame que se va llevar a cabu'l domingu 21 d'agostu y que ta patrocináu pola Casa Conceyu de Villaviciosa, la Conseyería d' Agroganadería y


Cider, beverage of the Atlantic Arc

The multitudinary meeting was the perfect scenario for tourists and residents to know better our traditional beverage. The Festival of the Atlantic Arc takes place mainly in Xixón and this Summer was one of the strongest stages both for tourists and for people from here to know better our traditional


Tuna, the king of Summer

This month tuna is the protagonist of LA SIDRA's Dish of the Month, with the best proposals for the lovers of this gastronomic art. THE CIDER.- Undoubtledly it's one of the most appreciated gift sea offers us these times and for sure we can get the best of it. And


More than 3.000 participants in the cider rally

With 2.244 participants registered and hundred "on their own" the cider rally is now a fundamental cider reference. THE CIDER.- The festivities of San Felis had begun yesterday with the now traditional cider rally that exceeded once again the record of participants in this "cider glass to cider glass". There


La sidre, bébora d’Arcu Atlánticu

El multitudinariu alcuentru foi l'escenariu idóniu pa que turistes y residentes conozan a fondo la nuesa bébora tradicional. El Festival del Arcu Atlánticu, que cellebra la mayor parte de les sos actividaes en Xixón, foi nesti branu ún de los escaparates más potentes pa que tanto turistes comu residentes puedan

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