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Definitive route of the Sidracrucis’17

On the next 114th of April the cider lovers will have the privilege to participate in the cideriest procession ever: the Sidracrucis. LA SIDRA.- There is no such passion like the one of the Sidracrucis' cider lovers, a true passion for cider that takes them in an idyllic pilgrimage to cider


We grow bigger and better

The impressive increase in the flow of visita to takes us to a process of general renewal to enhance our services. LA SIDRA.- As the readers of could assess, this month there were some issues with our web site, being even unavailable for some days. The reason? The astonishing increase of visits


Percorríu definitivu del Sidracrucis’17

El prósimu 14 d’abril, los amantes de la sidre tendrán el privilexu de participar na procesión más sidrera enxamás imaxinada: el Sidracrucis.   LA SIDRA.- Nun hai fervor como’l de los participantes nel Sidracrucis, una auténtica pasión sidrera que los lleva nun idílicu pelegrinar per chigres y llagares dando bona


Seguimos xorreciendo y meyorando

L’impresionante xorrecimientu de visites en llévamos a un procesu de remocicamientu xeneral pa meyorar les prestaciones. LA SIDRA.- Como yá tovieron ocasión de comprobar los llectores de, esti postrer mes hebio dellos problemes cola nuesa ueb, que llegó inclusu a tar inoperativa demientres dellos díis. ¿La xida? Un impresionante xorrecimientu


Good confraternity of the Sicerators

The IV Axuntábense rocgnizes Tino ‘El Roxu’, Luis Piñera, María Cotiello and Support of Traditional Cider LA SIDRA.- Cider from 55 cider mills was corked and labeled for an especial edition that the Confraternity uses as a gift. The painter Favila took care of the image on the label and


Bona confradería de los siceratores

El IV Axuntábense distingue a Tino ‘El Roxu’, Luis Piñera, María Cotiello y Fomentu de la Sidre Tradicional LA SIDRA.- Corchóse sidre de 55 llagares en botelles d’edición llimitada, que la confradería emplega como regalu istitucional. El pintor Favila acupóse de la imaxe de la etiqueta y el cartelu y


Buznego, Best First Cider of the Year 2017

On Saturday 18th of March there was the IV edition of the contest for the Best First Cider of the Year. There were 40 cider mills inscribed and 8 got to the finals. LA SIDRA.- The contest, organized by LA SIDRA Magazine and ASTURIES XXI FOUNDATION took place at El


Buznego, Meyor Primer Sidre l’Añu 2017

El sábadu 18 de marzu llevóse a cabu la IV edición del concursu La Meyor Primer Sidre L'Añu. Inscribiéronse 40 llagares y 8 fueron les sidres finalistes. LA SIDRA.- El certame, entamáu pola revista LA SIDRA y la FUNDACIÓN ASTURIES XXI, tuvo llugar na sidrería xixonesa El Otru Mallu allugada


Sidracrucis’17. The cideriest procession

The cider passion of the Sidracrucis' participants takes them in a great pilgrimage through cide bars and cider mills to prove their true love for cider. LA SIDRA.- The 14th edition of the Sidracrucis will take place between Xixón and Villaviciosa stopping in 10 cider bars, the VIII First Cider


Sidracrucis’17. The cideriest procession

The cider passion of the Sidracrucis' participants takes them in a great pilgrimage through cide bars and cider mills to prove their true love for cider. LA SIDRA.- The 14th edition of the Sidracrucis will take place between Xixón and Villaviciosa stopping in 10 cider bars, the VIII First Cider

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