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Blooming of the apple tree

The Cider Shire celebrates from 29th of April to 1st of May a complete schedule aroun the apple tree blooming and cider. LA SIDRA.- An unique chance to walk across the apple trees, take pictures of the white flowers, enjoy and idyllic landscape and discover the sectrets of cider making


VIII First Cider of the Year

From the 13th to 16th of April will take place in the Museum of the Asturian Village of Xixón the 8th edition of this event that start the cider season. It gives the chance to taste new cider from more than 70 Asturian cider mills for only 5 € and


“El Llagar” comes back after restoration

The National artistic heritage greets the return to the General Board the painting"El Llagar" (The cider mill" by the painter Mariano Moré (1899-1974). LA SIDRA.- The picture had an important deterioration and the restauration work by Bernardo Díaz Gonzalez, took back its original light and colors, lost over the pass of the


Floriar del pumar

La Contorna de la Sidre cellebra del 29 d’abril a 1 de mayu un completu programa alrodiu’l mundiu de la mazana y la sidre. LA SIDRA.- Una ufierta única pa pasiar ente pumares, sacar semeyes del mantu de flores blanques, esfrutar d’un paisaxe idílicu y aprofitar pa conocer los secretos


VIII Primer Sidre l’Añu

Del 13 al 16 d’abril cellebraráse nel Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies en Xixón la ochava edición d’esti eventu col qu’arranca la temporada sidrera, que permite esfrutar de la sidre nuevo de más de 70 llagares por namás 5 €, y que vien de ser declaráu d’Arraigu Social pol Ayuntamientu Xixón.


A cider formative degree in progress

The CIFP Hostelry and Tourism of Asturies has been preparing a draft for months about a degree and has the support of the PDO. LA SIDRA.- On LA SIDRA's 159th issue that has just been released there was a shocking interview in which it is said that the CIFP of Hostelry and Tourism


En marcha una especialidá formativa de sidre

El CIFP Hostelería y Turismu d'Asturies lleva meses redautando un borraor pa ufiertar la entitulación y cunta col sofitu de la DOP. LA SIDRA.- Na edición númberu 159 de la revista LA SIDRA qu'acaba asoleyáse, llamó l'atención una entrevista na que se desplica qu'el CIFP d'Hostelería y Turismu de Asturies


Cider of Selection Day 2017

It has been carried out in Foncueva Cider Mill and there are also Trabanco, Peñón and Muñiz, all four are part of the quality brand. LA SIDRA.- Yesterday took place the first of the Training Days Sidre d'Escoyeta (Cider of Selection). A course to which the College of Critics, media


LA SIDRA of March (Nb. 159)

LA SIDRA Nb. 159 corresponding to March 2017 ENTAMU / BEGINNING / EDITORIAL LA SIDRA.- Issue corresponding to March of 2017 with interview with Juan Luis García, technical professor of FP of restaurant and hostelry and tourism, where he explains the formative aspects around cider. In this issue there is also information about the

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