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Bigger presence of Asturies at Gourmet’s Hall

This edition was the most active one regarding tastings and contests. LA SIDRA.- Gourmet's Hall closed its doors and the organizers state that this was "the best edition". "With 4 pavilions, 1.630 stands, 40.000 producs, 1.300 novelties, 93.346 professional visitors, 2017 will be remembered as the gastronomic year", they explain.


II Fiesta de la Sidre en Tapia

Sidre de 5 llagares y xinta tradicional pa esta fin de selmana. LA SIDRA.- La banda gaites Ocidente entama pa esta fina de selmana la II Fiesta de la Sidre pa recladar fondos pal Festival Intercélticu d’Ocidente (Fido) que va yá pola so 21 edición. Esti añu, amás de la


The “Principality” forbids to sing

To sign and play bagpipe is forbidden in Asturian cider bars excet they sign in as flamenco dancing. LA SIDRA.- The "Principality" bases this decision on the law of public performances that bans Asturian cider bars to have live music, including traditional singing and playing bagpipe. The only chance they


Mayor presencia d’Asturies en Salón de Gourmets

Esta edición foi la más activa tocántenes a degustaciones, concursos y tasties. LA SIDRA.- Salón de Gourmets cerró les sos puertes y los sos entamaores afirmen que foi “la meyor edición”. “Con 4 pabellones, 1.630 espositores, 40.000 productos, 1.300 novedaes y 93.346 visitantes profesionales, 2017 va ser recordáu como l'añu


El “Principado” prohibe canciar

Canciar y tocar la gaita sigue tando prohibío nos chigres asturianos, salvo que se dean d’alta como tablaos flamencos. LA SIDRA.- El “Principado” perafítase na so llei d’espeutáculos públicos que prohibe que nos chigres asturianos se dea la música en direutu, ello ye, el tradicional canciar y tocar la gaita,


Folixa de la Sidre en Ribeseya

Entamada pol colleutivu Entaína, cellebraráse del 5 al 7 de mayu, y cuntará con un concursu de sidre casero, col sofitu de l’Asociación pal Fomentu de la Sidre Casero.   LA SIDRA.- Parón aparte pola falta de sofitu municipal, esta ye la 20 edición d’esta folixa, referencial nel oriente asturianu,


The Spanish administration bans pear cider

Once again the Spanish legislation cuts the chances for development of Asturian cider mills. LA SIDRA.- Although perry or pear cider is an Asturian traditional product, known since always, the Spanish legislation -limited because of wine and ignorant of the cider world- excludes in the last law approved on February


An awards for innovation

Cortina's Ice Cider got to the finals because of its presentation, Xiz by Castañón and Poma Áurea by Trabanco also got good critics. XIZ PRESENTATION VIDEO CONSERVAS COSTERA AND XIZ TASTINGS VIDEO  NEOALGAE VIDEO LA SIDRA.- There are three cider mills coming to the Gourmet's Hall presenting their novelties. The


Asturies non stop at Gourmet’s Hall

Tastings, contest and presentation of Cortina's Ice Cider. CORTINA'S ICE CIDER VIDEO EL CUCO - POMA ÁUREA VIDEO AWARD TO COALLA GOURMET VIDEO CIDER BARS OF ASTURIES VIDEO LA SIDRA.- This is a non stop! Asturies turned to be one of the most active points inside the Gourmet's Hall of the

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