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Los Estaos Xuníos van a El Gaitero

Rachel Blickford y Carmen Valverde visitaren el llagar asturianu LA SIDRA.- La Conseyera d’Agricultura de los Estaos Xuníos nel estáu español, Rachel Bickford, y la Especialista n’agricultura de la Embaxada estaoxunidense, Carmen Valverde, visitaren ayeri’l llagar d’El Gaitero, en Villaviciosa. La xida foi conocer de primer man cómo ye la


No Uncorking for this year

There will not be cider party in L'Entregu this year. LA SIDRA.- On last year the board of managers of the Cultural and Celebrtion Society of L'Entregu resignrd and, not being any substitution, that association was managed by a private company. This year LA SIDRA Magazine contacted Samartín del Rei


1st A Estrada da Sidra Photography Contest

The Council of Tourism of Concello d'A Estrada organizes this contest with a 1.150 € prize. LA SIDRA.- The aim is to empower the Festa da Sidra both ellaboration as distribution and consumption: "it will have a topic to convey the spirit of cider", so the pictures presented will have


Cider Party in Grevenbroich

The Grevenbroich Asturian Associantion will celebrate this Sunday 4th of June the traditional Cider Party. LA SIDRA.- The event has been taking place since 1999 despite the lack of support by the "Principality" and this will take place at Der Real (Am Rittergut 1 – 41515 Grevenbroich-Noithausen). This is a celebration


Esti añu, ensin descorche

Nun se fadrá la fiesta de la sidre en L’Entregu. LA SIDRA.- A finales del añu pasáu la xunta direutiva de la Sociedá Cultural y de Fiestes L’Entregu presentó la so dimisión, y al nun haber relevu, dicha entidá quedó en manes d’una xestora. Esti añu la revista LA SIDRA


I Concursu Semeyes A Estrada da Sidra

La Conselleria de Turismo de Concello d'A Estrada, convoca esti concursu dotándolu de 1.150 € en premios. LA SIDRA.- L'oxetivu ye da-y puxu a la Festa da Sidra, tanto no que cinca al so procesu d'ellaboración como de distribuición y consumu, "buscará dende un puntu de vista temáticu espeyar l'espíritu


Fiesta de la Sidre en Grevenbroich

L'Agrupación Asturiana de Grevenbroich cellebrará el domingu 4 de xunu la so tradicional Fiesta de la Sidre. LA SIDRA.- L'eventu vien cellebrándose dende 1999 pesia'l pocu sofitu del "Principado", y esti añu tendrá llugar nel parking der REAL (Am Rittergut 1 – 41515 Grevenbroich-Noithausen). Trátase d'una fiesta na que participen


Best Cachopo of Asturies Awards

Pichote Cider Bar won the award for best cachopo and La Escollera the little cachopo one, while the best pairing with Cortina Cider was for Parrilla Muñó from Xixón. LA SIDRA.- The Cachopo Guide organized the Official Awards for the Best Cachopo and Little Cachopo of Asturies. In this 2017


Basque cider mimicry

The rereation of Basque cider culture mimics the Asturian one more and more, even exporting it internationally as theirs. Take a look to UNESCO! SEE MORE "MIMIC" PICTURES Asturian media tend to speak bout the cider world making comparisons with Asturian and Basque cider, most of the times without saying

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