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Uviéu. Brinde oficial con vinu español

La corporación municipal uvieina rializó'l brinde oficial del Martes de Campu con vinu español, la sidre o nel so defeutu'l vinu Cangas, ye demasiao asturiano. LA SIDRA.- Fartucos tamos de denunciar una y milenta vegaes como les istituciones asturianes desprecien a la sidre y al vinu Cangas usando en tolos


Ribs and cider in El Sauco

They prepared ribs with an unique barbecue in Xixón, juicy inside and crusty in the outside. The cider: Castañón, Val de Boides, y Molín del Medio WATCH VIDEO ESTÍBALIZ URQUIOLA*.- Many of my friends that know I work in this magazine usually ask me where to go for a good


Costielles y sidre n’El Sauco

Tan tresnaes con una parrilla única en Xixón, que les fai quedar xugoses per dientru y cruxentines per fuera. La sidre: Castañón, Val de Boides, y Molín del Medio VER VIDIU ESTÍBALIZ URQUIOLA*.- Munchos collacios míos que saben que trabayo nesta revista suelen entrugame ¿au ta bien pa xintar callos,


Cider Arc

This year, the Atlantic Arc Festival will have its own space for Atlantic Cider. LA SIDRA.- The Cider Arc, organized by the Astureis XXI Fesival, will be located at the Spirts Harbor, near the V Agroalimentary Hall and there will be an exposure of the 22 selected pictures of the X La


Arcu Sidreru

Esti añu, el Festival Arcu Atlánticu cuntará con un espaciu propiu pa la sidre de la Europa atlántico. LA SIDRA.- L’Arcu Sidreru, entamáu pola Fundación Asturies XXI / LA SIDRA, asitiaráse xunta’l Puertu Esportivu, al delláu del V Salón d’Agroalimentación y nel mesmu espondránse les 22 semeyes esbillaes nel X


“Cider Mills Route” presentation in Sieru

It took place at la Morena Cider Mill in Viella. LA SIDRA.- Some months ago Sieru's Town Hall asked the cider makers of the council what do they needed to empower the cider sector. After some conversations they agreed that the information about cider mills location was essential. This is


XL Cider Festival of Nava, new poster and novelties

The poster presented by Juan Diego, an Asturian migratd to Castelló -another urban leged of migration-, was the winner of the contest for the event's image.  LA SIDRA.- The author could not attend to pick up the prize due to work issues, but stated that "I have been always impressed


Cider and University

The University of Uviéu ingores Asturies and also cider, as they were told by the Asturian entrepreneurs of the sector. LA SIDRA.- In the category of the "Creating Talent" days organized by the Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs, Santiago Garcia rector of University of Uviéu, had to hear the criticisms about the

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