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Siete Medalles pa Grupu El Gaitero

Más reconocencies pa la sidre asturiano en “The Bath & West International Cider Competition 2017” LA SIDRA.- Enantes yá diéremosmos la noticia de les reconocencies llograes por Trabanco nos premios “The Bath & West International Cider Competition 2017” –tamién conocíu col nome de “The Greatest Cider Show on Earth”. Nesta


The IHGC, more international than ever

The next edition of the International Hall of Gala Ciders will have many novelties and a bigger participation of worldwide cider mills. Due to the presentations of the event we have been making across Europe as well as our presence in the main international cider fairs worldwide, with some months


El SISGA, más internacional que nunca

La prósima edición del Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala (SISGA / IHGC) cuntará con importantes novedaes y una mayor participación de llagares de tol mundiu. LA SIDRA.- Añu ente añu el SISGA / IHGC va medrando n’interés y participación, de tala miente qu’a estes altures yá podemos confirmar la


Trabanco Cider awarded at the Bath&West

This label got three bronze medals and put its ciders among the 500 best ones. LA SIDRA.- The British cider contest Bath & West International Competition awarded the Sidre d’Escoyeta Trabanco Cosecha Propia, only half a point away from the silver medal, and Lagar de Camin, and Avalon also with


Sidra Trabanco gallardonada na Bath &West

Algamó tres medalles de bronce y asitió a les sos sidres ente les 500 meyores LA SIDRA.- El certame británicu Bath & West International Competition premió per un llau la Sidre d’Escoyeta Trabanco Cosecha Propia, quedando namás a mediu puntu de la medalla de plata, Lagar de Camin, y sidra


Authentic, finally the DOP’s t-shirt in Asturian

The delay of the Asturian version of the DOP's t-shirt was truly polemic. LA SIDRA.- The DOP Cider of Asturies and its green t-shirt "100% Authentic Asturian" turned to be a great social success. But the fact of appearing only in Spanish ended up questioning the whole campaign and causing


Uviéu. Official toast with Spanish wine

The municipal corporation of Uviéu made the official toast this Martes de Campu with Spanish wine. Cider or Cangas wine, is too Asturian for them. LA SIDRA.- We are tired of dennouncing over and over and over again how Asturian institutions despise cider and wine from Cangas by using Spanish

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