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LA SIDRA of June (Nb. 162)

 LA SIDRA Nb. 162 corresponding to June of 2017 ENTAMU / BEGINNING / EDITORIAL LA SIDRA.- Release corresponding to June of 2017 with an interview with the Bona Confradería de los Siceratores d'Asturies, information about Llaviana's cider party, the next Nava's Cider festival, Asturies gastronómica... and much more information about cider news.


Entamu LA SIDRA 162

Entamu La prósima presentación de la nueva collecha de sidra de la DOP Sidre d’Asturies va marcar ensin llugar a duldes esti mes de xunu, confirmando con toa probabilidá lo que ye un fechu costatable: la interesante progresión d’esta marca identitaria y de calidá cuya evolución nos tiempos caberos ta


True cidermen. DOP Cider of Asturies’ new campaign

DOP Sidre d'Asturies wants to highlight the meaning of the word "authentic" with the owners of cider bars. LA SIDRA.- The CR DOP SIDRE d’Asturies presented yesterday their new advertising campaign starred by 21 owners of cider bars as main consumers of the DOP Cider of Asturies. This is a


Seven medals for El Gaitero Group

More recognition for Asturian cider at the "Bath & West International Cider Competition 2017" LA SIDRA.- Before we released the news of the medals by Trabanco at the “The Bath & West International Cider Competition 2017” –also called “The Greatest Cider Show on Earth”. This time we inform that El Gaiteru


Siete Medalles pa Grupu El Gaitero

Más reconocencies pa la sidre asturiano en “The Bath & West International Cider Competition 2017” LA SIDRA.- Enantes yá diéremosmos la noticia de les reconocencies llograes por Trabanco nos premios “The Bath & West International Cider Competition 2017” –tamién conocíu col nome de “The Greatest Cider Show on Earth”. Nesta


The IHGC, more international than ever

The next edition of the International Hall of Gala Ciders will have many novelties and a bigger participation of worldwide cider mills. Due to the presentations of the event we have been making across Europe as well as our presence in the main international cider fairs worldwide, with some months


El SISGA, más internacional que nunca

La prósima edición del Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala (SISGA / IHGC) cuntará con importantes novedaes y una mayor participación de llagares de tol mundiu. LA SIDRA.- Añu ente añu el SISGA / IHGC va medrando n’interés y participación, de tala miente qu’a estes altures yá podemos confirmar la

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