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Jeison Franco wins in Nava

The XXX International Cider Pourers Contest had twenty participants among which Jeison Franco, cider pourer from EL Madreñeru cider bar (La Pola Siero), won. LA SIDRA.- With a participation a little bit smaller than the usual, the XX International Cider Pourers Contest met the expectations of the people and had


Jeison Franco impónse en Nava

El XXX Concursu Internacional d’Echaores cuntó con una ventena de participantes, ente los que s'impunxo Jeison Franco, echaor de la sidrería El Madreñeru, de La Pola Siero. LA SIDRA.- Con una participación d’echaores un poco menor de l’avezada, el XXX Concursu Internacional d’Echaores nun defraudó, y cuntó con un perimportante


Val de Boides succeeds in Nava

The DOP cider by Castañón Cider Mill was chosen as Best Cider in Nava's Cider Festival, one of the most prestigious ones of the country. LA SIDRE.- Val de Boides, closely followed by Cabueñes –one point behind- and Ramos del Valle, were the three best ciders in the prestigious cider


Val de Boides trunfa en Nava

La DOP del Llagar Castañón foi escoyía como Meyor Sidre nel concursu del Festival de la Sidre de Nava, ún de los más prestixosos del país. LA SIDRE.- Val de Boides, seguía de cerquillina por Cabueñes –a un puntu- y Ramos del Valle, foron declaraes les tres meyores sidres nel


Cider pourers contest in Nava

Within the activities of Nava's Cider Festival, on Sunday there will be the fourth part of the Asturies Cider Pourers Championship. LA SIDRA.- Manuel Uría Square will held on next Sunday 9th of July, from 12 pm, a new part of Asturies Cider Pourers Championship, now on its 24th edition.


Concursu d’echaores en Nava

Dientru les actividaes del Festival de la Sidre de Nava, el domingu cellebraráse la cuarta preba del campionatu d’Asturies d’Echaores. LA SIDRA.- La Plaza Manuel Uría acueye esti prósimu domingu 9 de xunetu, de magar les 12 del meudíi, una nueva preba del Campionatu d’Asturies d’Echaores, qu’esti añu algama la


Asturian Cider Culture to UNESCO

The general manager of Rural Development and Agroalomentation from the "Principality" says they will retake the candidacy for World Intangible Heritage. LA SIDRA.- Jesús Casas, during his participation at the “Sidraforum” celebrated within Nava's Cider Festival,  stated that tomorrow will meet with the Councillor of Culture to start a campaign to


La Cultura Asturiana de la Sidre a la UNESCO

El direutor xeneral de Desendolcu Rural y Agroalimentación del “Principado” afirma que van retomar la candidatura comu Padremuñu Imaterial de la Humanidá. LA SIDRA.- Jesús Casas, demientres la so participación nel “Sidraforum” cellebráu  cola xida del Festival de la Sidra de Nava,  afirmó que mañana mesmo tendrá un aconceyamientu cola


Ondó’s success in Bimenes

Salvador Ondó won the third part of Asturies Cider Pourers Championship in Bimenes. LA SIDRA.- The current Champion of Asturies Salvador Ondó was the first classified in the contest celebrated in Bimenes during the Officiality celebrations in the third part of the XIV Asturies Cider Pourers Championship. The contest had

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