Inicio > EN > Asturies reached the highest level at the Interceltic Night

Asturies reached the highest level at the Interceltic Night

The Asturian representation at An Oriant’ts Interceltic Festival did yesterday such a nice performance at the Interceltic Night, one of the most representative shows of the Breton nights during this festival.

LA SIDRA.- It has been a hard week for the hard working set of artists that came along with the Asturian delegation, with many performances along the whole week: Saturday 6th, Sunday 7th, Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th besides the ones they have at the Space Marine for the public from Lorient and from abroad and some centers of the nearby area.

However, yesterday there was an outstanding night among the others, as well the performances at the Espace Marine, where the bagpipe band La Llaguna’l Torolly and Trebeyu dance group excelled themselves in a show full of movement, action, light, emotion and fireworks that left nobody indifferent and meant a true joy for all the people that came along to enjoy the most intercultural of the concerts.


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