On next 19th of may at 7 pm at the Botanical garden, Mr. Emilio Martínez Argúelles will give a speeche explaining the reality of the apple and cider production in our country.
THE CIDER.- Asturies is the fourth Europen country in cider production and although there are many apple and apple juices imported for cider ellaboration, apple nowadays is a very important engine for Asturian rural economy.
In this afternoon’s speach Mr. Emilio Martínez will explain the history of apple and cider production in Asturies, which ellaboration methods are used, the existing cider kinds and other derivatives from apple, to allow us to understand a little better the location of our country among the main ones in the rank of cider production in Europe.
To guarantee and enhance this production implies among other things, to know how apple orchards work, what are the requirements and maintaining they need, as well as understand that the correct pollination of the apple trees goes along the quality of the production.
Mr. Emio Martínez Argüelles is the responsible for Trabanco Cider Mill in Sariegu, member of the CRDOP “Cider of Asturies” and the Campoastur Cooperative.