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Sidra piloña in Mexico

Sidras Zacatlán, produces a cider variety with he name of this Asturian council.

LA SIDRA.- Asturian emigration took Asturian cider with it so now cider, mainly sparkling one, is part of the gastronomic tradition of many contries from South Amercia, where it reached its own expressions according to the environment where it was developed.

Besides, there were many the new cider mills by Asturians in the new lands, and most of the cider makers from Latin American are related to Asturies and its cider culture.


In this case Sidras Zacatlan, in the Mexican state of Puebla, where Zacatlán de las Manzanzas is- makes this Sidra Piloña, which is special for because it’s made from apples but with orange juice too, once fermented the cider. It has a 5% alcohol and is aged 12 months.

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