14 European countries, 37 producers and more than 120 different products participated in the VI International Hall of Gala Ciders – SISGA’16.
LA SIDRA.- The three instense days of the VI SISGA/IHGC were useful to put together effortsThe three intense days of the VI SISGA/IHGC were useful to put together efforts and generate synergies aiming for the recognition of high quality ciders being made all along Europe. From Thursday 29th of September some of the cider makers and delegates coming from countries like Denmark or Poland and from the state like from Tenerife or Catalonia got to see how our traditional beverage was made at JR Cider Mill. Then 20 of the participants went to the Cider District of El Llanu to know first hand the Asturian cider culture in Xixón.
On the next day and officially the first one of the event, Castañón Cider Mill was the scenario in which the tastings for the international jury of the SISGA 2016 Awards took place. There a jury composed by 20 professionals from the different countries attending tasted the different varieties of cider: sparkling -brut, sweet, demy-dry, rosé- perry, ice cider, cider liquor, cider brandy, 1/3 format ciders and the most original ciders.
That day in the afternoon there was the Gala Dinner in which the chef Alejandro Fernández prepared a menu of innovative dishes to harmonize with the wide range of possibilities that cider offers as pairing, ingredient and main part of the whole table and the chances for special pairing within a great variety of products.
On Saturday 1st of October there was the Open Tasting for the public of the ciders participating in the SISGA at Colexata San Juan Bautista from 12 to 9 hours. Besides its highlighted international character, it was particularly interesting to deepen inside the Asturian cider culture recognized as Good of Cultural Interest and declared Institutional Beverage by Xixón’s City Hall. It was also an excellent display since there were ciders that prove the worth of cider to be recognized as World Intangible Heritage by the UNESCO, yet in process.
The last part of this hall was the Sommelier Day that took place at the El Duque Cider Mill. It was a moment for true meeting among cider makers and professionals of the sector in which some topics were discussed such as the different elaboration systems and the various organoleptic features of European ciders. A space to strengthen and encourage international bonds and get cider to reach the great recognition it deserves due to its high quality, sometimes not enough valued in comparison to other beverages.
LA SIDRA.- Les trés intenses xornaes del VI SISGA sirvieron pa xunir esfuerzos y xenerar sinerxes coles mires de que se reconoza l’alta calidá de la sidre que se ta ellaborando en toa Europa. Yá dende’l xueves 29 setiembre varios de el productores y dellegaos provenientes de países como Dinamarca o Polonia, y productores estatales de Tenerife o Cataluña, pudieron saber cómo s’ellabora la nuesa bébora tradicional nel llagar JR. Darréu, los 20 participantes averárense fasta’l Barriu la Sidre nel Llanu pa conocer de primer man la cultura sidrera de asturiana en Xixón.
Al otru díi, yá oficialmente’l primer díi del eventu, el Llagar Castañón foi l’escenariu de la degustación y fallu del xuráu internacional pa otorgar los premios SISGA 2016. Ellí’l tribunal compuestu por 20 especialistes de los países asistentes tastió les estremaes tribes de sidre: esplumoses –brut, dulce, semiseco y rosao–, perea, de xelu, auguardiente de sidre, llicor de sidre, les que se presenten en formatu d’un terciu y la sidre más orixinal. Esi mesmu díi pela nuechi cellebróse una Cena Gala na qu’el xef Alejandro Fernández tresnó un menú nel que s’harmonizaron platos de vanguardia colos productos que participaben nel SISGA. L’oxetivu foi amosar l’ampliu abanicu de posibilidaes qu’ufierta esta bébora como acompañante, ingrediente y componente fundamental de toa mesa y les sos posibilidaes de maridaxe con una estensa gama de productos.
El sábadu 1 d’ochobre tuvo llugar una Tastia Abierta al públicu de les sidres del SISGA na Colexata de San Juan Bautista dende les 12:00 hasta les 21:00 hores. Amás del so marcáu aspeutu internacional, afondar nel conceutu de Cultura Asturiana de la Sidre reconocía yá como Bien d’Interés Cultural de Asturies y declarada Bébora Istitucional pol Conceyu de Xixón. Tamién, foi una escelente amuesa del porqué tien méritos más que suficientes pa siguir lluchando y seya por fin reconocía como Padrimoniu Cultural Imaterial de la Humanidá pola UNESCO.
El colofón del salón foi la Xornada de Sumilleres que se llevó a cabu nel llagar del restorán El Duque. Foi un momentu de braderu alcuentru productores y profesionales del seutor nel qu’afondó nos sistemes d’ellaboración y les cualidaes organoléptiques de les estremaes sidres europees. Un espaciu pa forxar y dar puxu a llazos internacionales y llograr que la sidre algame la reconocencia que merez por cuenta de la so alta calidá, munches vegaes desfamada frente a otres bébores.