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SISGA Awards: “judged by our colleagues”

Iscider33We always enjoy highlighting the international character of the SISGA awards, but the participants highlight also the fact that the jury is composed by cider makers, “our colleagues”.

THE CIDER.- Of the many international references linked to SISGA coming along, we would like to remark that of Brännland Cider wins best ice-cider 2015 at SISGA 15 because it speaks about a feature that until now we did not give a special value, which is the fact that the SISGA award is not only international but also composed by cider makers, “our colleague” as expressed in that article.



The composition of the jury was:

  • Manuel G. Busto. President of the SISGA Awards.
  • Sasha Crommar. Kystin Cider Mill (Brittany)
  • Donato X. Villoria. SommelierLA SIDRA
  • Wouter Bijl. Holland cider (Holland)
  • Roman Kozak. Slovak cider maker anbd sommelier
  • Craig Long. Rossbach Cider (Czech Republic)
  •  Antonio Roa. Thatchers y Sheppy´s Cider. England.
  •  Herminio Carral. Llagar Carral. Llión.
  •  Andreas Sundgren. Brännland Cider (Sweden)
  •  José Luis Gómez. Llagar Pago de Tolina. La Llébana.
  •  Leonard Koningswijk. Beer Cider (Holland)
  •  Bernhard Scheiblauer. Llagar Mostrasse & Most Barons (Austria) 
  • Juan Zuriarrain. Oenologic counselor. Vasque Country

To all of them, thank you very much.

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