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News in the Open Tasting to the Public of the 14th SICGA

It will be held this Saturday, September 28 at the Congress Palace of the Luis Adaro Fairgrounds, within the activities of AGROPEC

LA SIDRA.- Although it repeats last year’s location, this day of the 14th Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala will feature important new features. It will be held within Agropec, thereby increasing the social impact of the event, and on the other hand, access to the space where the Open Tasting takes place will be free.

Access, not tastings/drinks, for which there will be two options: the usual option of buying a pass to try the cider you want – from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., with a price of €10; or paying a drink -€2-.

Likewise, there will be the possibility of buying cider directly from the participating cider mills, and you will be able to enjoy a DOP cider apple exhibition by the Sierense Club of Friends of the Apple -CSAM- and visit the exhibitors of some of the members of the European Network of Apple and Cider Cities -Cider Cities-.


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