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Cider Mills

“A stage has been completed and now another person must take the position”

Tino Cortina, president of the DOP Sidra de Asturies, takes stock of the main achievements of the quality brand, which will soon be held in elections

LA SIDRA.- On May 15, elections will be held in the DOP Sidra de Asturies to elect a new board of directors. To carry it out, it must be explained that two censuses are carried out: cider mills and harvesters. From each one of them, a candidacy with six regular members and three alternates must be elected, voted by the representatives of each census. The governing body will be made up of twelve members, six from each sector, who must also meet certain requirements so that they faithfully represent all the members of the census as volume, types of products produced, among others.

Tino Cortina is the current president of the DOP Sidra de Asturies and he will not run again for the position. “I understand that a stage has been completed and now another person must access. It has been an honor to represent this Denomination of Origin, but I think the alternation is very healthy. With exceptions, I believe that people who perpetuate themselves in a position do not do good to the institution. The PDO belongs to all Asturians and that the presidency changes hands is a symptom of democratic health, ”he says.

When asked for an assessment of his stage as president, he points out: “During all these years I have tried to do my best and I keep all the good things achieved during this time, which is a lot. Also with all the good and committed people that I have met. The bad moments, which have also been there, I carry them in the backpack of personal learning. Of course, it is hard to see how there are still a few who, out of personal or political interests or simply out of envy or ego, continue to put bats in the wheel, while in the face of public opinion they stand as saviors of the country. Fortunately, the Denomination of Origin is no longer a project, but an unstoppable reality ”.

We have also interviewed the current vice president of the PDO, the harvester Belén García. In the next few days we will publish a new entry with her statements. However, the complete interview with Cortina and García can be consulted at the following link:

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