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Cider tourism

Presented the poster of Les Fiestes del Portal

The author has highlighted the apple and cider in his collage, full of symbolism

THE CIDER.- How could it be otherwise, the apple and the cider are two of the elements highlighted by the artist and designer Daniel Fernández Jove in the poster for Les Fiestes of the 2019 Portal of Villaviciosa.

It is an original collage, colorist, allegorical and complete in its symbolism, with which the author wanted to collect “the essence of these Festivities, with the Portalina and the Portal Dance in main figures, but also other very identifying elements of the landscape, like the beach, the apple orchards and, of course, the apple and the cider, ”he explained. In its central part, with the silhouette of an apple that shelters different graphic elements linked to the council, the well-known stanza of the song “Beautiful Villaviciosa, what you have inside” can be recognized.

The work will be exhibited in the next days at the Hevia House, so that the public can appreciate the result of the collage technique, a creative process that plays with different colors and depths of the paper, which allows volume and shadow

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