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In Asturies, cider and dinosaurs

Renfe will launch in July and August three tourist routes, one of them will focus on places on the most emblematic drink of the Asturians

LA SIDRA.- This summer Renfe and the Asturian Administration will launch three tourist routes: ‘The biosphere and the mine’, ‘Ports and cliffs’ and ‘The cider and the dinosaurs’. The initiative is part of the project: ‘Asturias Tourist Trains’ to promote the use of rail as a means of sustainable transport and also promote cultural and social activities.

The three thematic routes have a duration of one day and combine train travel with guided visits to unique spaces in the community. ‘Cider and dinosaurs’ will be held on July 20 and August 24. It will be from Uviéu to Les Arriondes and includes visits to the Jurassic Museum -MUJA-, in Colunga, and the facilities related to the cider culture in Villaviciosa and Nava such as the El Gaitero cider mill or the Cider Museum in Nava. “The circuit linked to cider is particularly important this year, in which Asturies works intensely in the candidacy of the cider culture as intangible heritage of Unesco,” pointed out the Minister of Employment, Industry and Tourism, Isaac Pola.

On the other hand, the outputs of ‘The ports and cliffs’ will be from July 13 and August 10. And ‘The biosphere and the mine’ will take place on July 27 and August 17. The operating hours will be from nine and a quarter to ten at night and prices range between 20 and 40 euros.

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